We Train All Ages

Advanced (map book / night driving / safety evasion, escape)
Adult Refresher
Best Safety Measures

Our accident investigators have added to the rules in the Missouri State Drivers Guide. So we may ask the student driver to follow our rules when the drivers guide would be difficult to use. We are not changing any safety aspect, we are just using an easier method to stay safe. Our rules are to keep your young driver safe. Not being properly trained can be expensive not only in terms of future accidents but higher insurance costs. Proper training can carry forward for years; lack of training will show up on the road.
Individual Approach

We do not allow other students in the car. We allow parents under special circumstances. We want the student paying attention to the officer and not worrying about what mom or dad are doing in the back seat. They must learn to be one on one, because no one else is permitted to be in the vehicle with the examiner on the state test.
Group Lessons

Would you like to have an officer talk to your group or organization? Excel Driving School has active or retired police officers that will come and speak to your group about law enforcement, traffic, or driving topics. This is free of charge, just call and speak to an officer to make arrangements.
Adult Refresher

Are you an Adult who needs a refresher course? We will take adult drivers on a two hour refresher course. We also offer this course for new driver’s to the United States. Call for pricing.
Medical Evaluation

We will take drivers out on a two hour complete evaluation to see if we believe they are safe to be a driver again. We will do multiple lessons if needed to help and try to get them get over a new challenge they may have do to a medical issue. We will send a letter to their doctor saying we believe they are safe to drive. We can also send a letter to their doctor saying we do not find them safe to drive. Call for pricing.
Defensive Driving Course

We offer a two hour defensive driving course for people who have received a moving violation ticket and need to take a driving a course to keep points off of their license. Call for pricing.
Driving Improvement Program

We offer a Driver Improvement Program that will meet the requirements needed by the court. Please call for pricing and details.